  • 保护生物学家
  • 昆虫学家
  • 环保人士
  • 遗传学家 
  • Pre-Dental
  • Pre-Medicine
  • Pre-Physical疗法
  • Pre-Veterinary医学
  • 野生动物学家
  • 动物学家


Have an interest in understanding the living world and its organisms. Want a flexible science degree that can fit their personal and professional goals. 


A flexible degree that can be used for multiple paths post-graduation. 研究的机会. 


  • 遗传学家 
  • Pre-Dental
  • Pre-Medicine
  • Pre-Veterinary医学
  • 动物学家


Students graduate with an excellent foundation to pursue rewarding careers or gain admission into graduate and professional programs. Our graduates pursue many different careers including medical doctors, 验光师, 牙医, 医师助理, 按摩师, 遗传咨询师, 兽医, 州和联邦野生动物生物学家, 博物学家, 野生动物rehabilitators, 动物园的负责人, 保育生物学家, 环境顾问, 老师, 和研究人员. Students leave well-prepared to continue in graduate degree programs that require a solid background in the biological sciences. Most professional scientists can anticipate graduate education as being essential for career advancement.


High school students are encouraged to take year-long courses in biology, 化学, 物理, 代数, 几何和三角, 如果可用, 高级科学课程和微积分预备课程.


这个项目整合了动物学的研究, 植物学, and biological sciences and offers students the flexibility to customize their field of study to align course selection with educational and professional goals. The program integrates broad-based biology foundation classes with specializations, 比如生物医学或保护生物学, 在后来的岁月里. 适当选课, the biological sciences degree provides a broad understanding of the complex relationship between the living and nonliving world. Students choose a research-based course in biology that focuses on antibiotics, 野生动物生态与保护, 干教育, 基因组学, 或者生物医学研究. Students have the option to choose an emphasis in Biomedical Science, 生态与保育, 或环境科学. Students planning to enter a health professional program, 比如医学院, should refer to the plan of study for the Biomedical Science emphasis. 小s are available in Zoology and Botany with a 生物科学 minor option for non-biology majors.


  1. Makes connections between biology, the physical sciences and math.
  2. Identifies scientific issues and uses the scientific method, 包括实验设计, 数据收集, 分析, 和解释.
  3. Understands the philosophical underpinnings of scientific reasoning.
  4. Demonstrates the ability to use sources of information in biology, 包括已发表的文献和科学数据库, 并评估信息来源的质量.
  5. Demonstrates the ability to acquire and analyze experimental data and use quantitative 分析 to interpret biological data.
  6. Demonstrates the ability to develop numerical and graphical models and to simulate biological mechanisms.
  7. Demonstrates the ability to use scientific techniques necessary for date gathering and 分析.
  8. Communicates effectively in writing, speech, and visual presentations within a variety of contexts.
  9. Understands the role of teamwork and individual effort in scientific endeavors; discusses issues constructively and appreciates different ideas and viewpoints.
  10. Understands professional standards in science and its applications, 包括负责任地使用信息.


Career and professional program opportunities are enhanced by work experiences and extra-curricular involvement including student organization participation, 实习, 志愿服务, 工作及研究经历. 兼职, science-related 工作及研究经历 are available in several 乐虎电子 departments, 以及附近的美国空军基地.S. 农业部实验室. 校外工作, such as summer employment with public agencies or private organizations, is especially valuable and has sometimes been the entry point for a first permanent position after graduation. 新大提供许多课外活动, including student organizations suitable to diverse personal and professional interests.


The Department of 生物科学 offers an Accelerated Bachelor and Master of Science program. The program allows students to begin thesis research during their junior year and simultaneously pursue their Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in biological sciences. Students will work closely with a faculty member in our department who will serve as a mentor. The program is designed to produce a research-based master’s degree. Students must be at junior standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5.